Dementia Care Isle of Man

Supporting Dementia Care in the Isle of Man

Forget Me Not is an Isle of Man registered charity formed in August 2018, with a mission to improve the support available for people living with dementia and their families in the Isle of Man.

We fundraise to provide dementia specialist nurses called Admiral Nurses to assist in this support. Currently we fund the salaries and training for three full Admiral Nurses.

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People in the Isle of Man have a formal dementia diagnosis

What is Dementia?

Dementia refers to a collection of symptoms resulting from various diseases that damage the brain. These symptoms progressively worsen over time and encompass:

  • Memory loss
  • Confusion and the need for assistance with daily activities
  • Difficulties with language and comprehension
  • Behavioural changes


As a progressive condition, dementia symptoms may initially be mild but deteriorate over time. There are numerous types of dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease being the most prevalent, followed by vascular dementia.

Who gets Dementia?

There are around 1600 people living on the Isle of Man with a formal diagnosis of dementia, which primarily affects those over the age of 65. It is believed that this figure is closer to 1800 if those people with a suspected dementia diagnosis are included

The probability of developing dementia increases significantly with age: 1 in 14 people over 65 have dementia, and this rate rises to 1 in 6 for those over 80.

Younger individuals can also be affected by dementia, often referred to as young-onset dementia. About 1 in 20 people with dementia are under the age of 65. Additionally, dementia is more prevalent among women than men.

Dementia Nurse With Patient
Dementia Nurse
Dementia Pathway Isle of Man

How do you get a diagnosis?

It is crucial for anyone experiencing regular memory or thinking problems to be assessed by a healthcare professional. In the first instance on the Isle of Man this would involve visiting your GP. The Isle of Man has a Dementia Pathway that outlines the likely progression of the condition and indicates the stages at which services are available.

Admiral Nurse
Admiral Nurse Service

What is an Admiral Nurse?

Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses. Continually supported and developed by Dementia UK, they provide life-changing support for families affected by all forms of dementia.

How can they help?

Our nurses are available to provide assistance when needed. They have the time to listen and the expertise to address problems.

Admiral Nurses help people living with dementia maintain their independence for longer and support their caregivers, providing the strength to handle bad days and the energy to enjoy good days.

Our three Admiral Nurses are hosted by Hospice Isle of Man. They, therefore, are typically involved from mid to late stage dementia but can be contacted earlier for more complicated cases.

This short video shows what Admiral Nurses do.

Our Nurses

How Can the Forget Me Not Admiral Nurse Help Me?

Communication Support:

If communication becomes difficult, we offer skills and techniques to help you stay connected with your loved one.

Managing Fear and Distress:

If someone with dementia shows signs of fear or distress, we collaborate with you to find the best ways to prevent or manage these emotions.

Financial Advice:

We can provide advice on financial benefits you may be eligible for and connect you with services and organizations that can offer support.

Family Support:

f your family is struggling to cope, we assist in securing the best possible additional care and support for your loved one.

Expert Answers:

If you have unanswered questions, we take the time to understand the problem and offer the expert support you need.

Admiral Nurse at Home

Admiral Nurses: A Lifeline for Families

Dementia can be devastating for the entire family. Often, people are left to cope alone with the relentless and ever-changing challenges. Families frequently take on caregiving responsibilities that push them to their physical, emotional, and financial limits. Our nurses are there to help when people need them most.

Who can refer?

Referrals can come from GPs, other health professionals or from the carer / relative themselves.

To access the Admiral Nurse Service, at least ONE of the following 3 criteria must be met:

  • The person living with dementia has a known or suspected dementia diagnosis and is suspected to be in the last 12 months of life (End of Life phase);
  • The person with dementia has unresolved, complex needs (psychological, social, spiritual, physical nature) which cannot be met by the current care team;
  • The carer of the person with dementia requires support which cannot be met by the current care team.

You can make a referral by completing the Admiral Nurse *Referral form and emailing it to

Your Time/ Your Place

The Forget me Not Admiral Nurse Service offer ‘Your Time, Your Place’, an eight week group programme for people with dementia and their carers. 


Carers will be offered training in:

  • coping with unmet need (challenging behaviours);
  • dealing with disease progression;
  • grief and loss;
  • advanced care planning;
  • carer wellbeing.

The person with dementia will be supported by specially trained staff and volunteers who will undertake reminiscence work using music, photographs and art.

How Can You Help?

Your support means our specialist dementia nurses can provide a lifeline for more families affected by dementia.
Charity Event
Participate in an event

Whether you choose to run, trek, cycle, or swim, your support will enable us to provide more Admiral Nurses. With your help, no one will have to face dementia alone.

Corporate Partnerships

Working together to support families facing dementia. Discover how your company can get involved and assist those affected by the biggest health issue of our time. Recommend Forget me Not as your Companies Charity of the Year

Last Will
Leave a Gift in You Will

By leaving a gift in your Will, you can help us fund the Forget me Not Admiral Nurses.

Make a Donation

Donations really assist us reach our annual salary bill and provide vital equipment. Our Forget me Not Admiral Nurses are a lifeline to families facing dementia.
Dementia Care Isle of Man
One Off
Make a donation

One off Donation using Just Giving

Monthly Donation

Monthly donation by setting up a standing order to Forget Me Not. Please contact if you would like to set up a standing order.

In Memory
In Memory Donations

In memorial donations allow family and friends to honour the memory of a loved one. Often the person who died, or their next of kin, will have asked that donations be made in lieu of flowers.

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